ご挨拶 of 包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会JRSC公式ホームページ

President’s message

Welcome to the home page of the Japan Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System (JRSC) !

President’s message
Our academic society was established in 1993 and the same year we joined the International Rorschach Society (IRS) as the first Rorschach society in Asia. In the beginning, the society was small with fewer than 30 members. However, over the ensuing years, thanks to the active participation of a highly motivated younger generation of members, the society now numbers over 500.
The main purposes of our society are threefold. First, to maintain the integrity of the Comprehensive System and ensure it is taught correctly to Japanese practitioners. Second, to encourage practitioners to fully use the Comprehensive System as a tool to help their clients. Third, to stimulate domestic research so that the results can be added to those of other countries in order to help broaden the understanding of human psychology on an international basis.
To help achieve those purposes, our society hosts an annual conference in Japan to provide opportunities for members to interact and to have exposure to the latest findings. Moreover, about 50 members of this society usually participate in the IRS conference, which is held once every three years. Additionally, we publish a journal and newsletter annually and hold national workshops.
Our members are a group of young and vibrant Rorschach practitioners, eager to use the Comprehensive System to help clients cope with the increased complexity of 21st century living.

Japan Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System








 このような複雑な精神測定技術が、1970年代以降、アメリカのJohn E. Exner(本学会名誉顧問)によって「心理学モデル」に則って体系化され、学びやすく、教えやすいロールシャッハ法となりました。広く心理臨床で使われ必要とされる技術ですが、その結果からは“その人”のこころの仕組みがわかり、人々によって異なるパーソナリティのでこぼこ具合や長所と欠点などが理解可能になります。



 本学会は、1993年にアジアでははじめて 国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会に団体登録された、日本で最初のロールシャッハ学会として設立されました。設立当時は30人に満たない組織でしたが、16年経って学会員数は500名近くに成長しました。



会長 中村 紀子


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