文献リスト of 包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会JRSC公式ホームページ

ブレティン 文献リスト(2010)



国際交流委員長 小澤 久美子

ブレティン 文献リスト(2010)
Ety Berant
President Israeli Rorschach Society


Lečbych, M. (2010). Rorschach Oral Dependency scale in research and clinical practice.
Československá psychologie (Czechoslovak Psychology), 54, 505-513. (Czech
Svoboda, M. (2010). Projective methods. Psychological Assessment of Adults (4th ed., pp.
149-212). Praha: Portál. (Czech Republic).
Arora, P. N., Saneja, S., & Pathak, S. (2010). Study of defense mechanism in
nail-biters and normal individuals. Indian Journal of Community Psychology, 6,
195-201. (India).
Bala, K., Mishra, D. K., & Jahan, M. (2010). SIS-II profile of patient with
antisocial personality: A case report. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental
Health, 17, 178-179. (India).
Castro-Villarreal, F. (2010). Prior exposure to the Rorschach test and differences in selected
Rorschach variables. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 17,
126-134. (India).
Charnas, J. W., Hilsenroth, M. J., Zodan, J., & Blais, M. A. (2010). Should I stay or should I
go? Personality Assessment Inventory and Rorschach indices of early withdrawal
from psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, & Training, 47,
484-499. (USA).
Curry, K T., & Hanson, W. E. (2010). National survey of psychologists' test feedback
training, supervision, and practice: A mixed methods study. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 92, 327-336. (USA).
De Carolis, A., & Ferracuti, S. (2010). Extraversion and accuracy of aspects of
memory for pain in the Cold Water Pressor Test. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 111,
91-104. (Italy).
Del Giudice, M. J. (2010). What might this be? Rediscovering the Rorschach as a tool for
personnel selection in organizations. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 78-89.
de Tychey, C., Garnier, S., Lighezzolo, J., Claudon, P., & Rebourg-Roesler, C. (2010). An
accumulation of negative life events and the construction of alexithymia: A
longitudinal and clinical approach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 189-206.
Dubey, B. L. (2010). Review of Rorschach inkblot test: A guide to modified scoring
system. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 17, 192-195. (India).
Elfhag, K. (2010). A synthesis of recent research on obesity with the Rorschach and
suggestions for the future. Rorschachiana, 31, 117-142. (Sweden).
Flahault, C. (2010). Psychological assessment of two adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis
awaiting lung transplants. The value of the Rorschach (Comprehensive System).
Rorschachiana, 31, 172-191. (France).
Flahault, C., & Sultan, S. (2010). On being a child of an ill parent. A Rorschach investigation
of adaptation to parental cancer compared to other illnesses. Rorschachiana, 31, 43
-69. (France).
Garces-Bacsal, R. M. (2010). Tales gifted children tell: Exploring PTAT responses as
pathways to socio-affective concerns. Gifted Child Quarterly, 54, 138-151.
Giromini, L., Porcelli, P., Viglione, D. J., Parolin, L., & Pineda, J. A. (2010). The feeling
of movement: EEG evidence for mirroring activity during the observations of static,
ambiguous stimuli in the Rorschach cards. Biological Psychology, 85, 233-241. (Italy
& USA).
Gronnerod, C., & Hartmann, E. (2010). Moving Rorschach scoring forward: The RN-
Rorschach Scoring System as an example of simplified scoring. Rorschachiana, 31,
22-42. (Norway).
Hibbard, S., Porcerelli, J., Kamoo, R., Schwartz, M., & Abell, S. (2010). Defense and object
relational maturity on Thematic Apperception Test scales indicate levels of
personality organization. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 241-253. (USA).
Hutcheon, D. (2010). Using TAT projective interpretation with a Korean client to influence
disclosure in therapy. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 13, 15-21.
Ilonen, T., Heinimaa, M., Korkeila, J., Svirskis, T., & Salokangas, R. K. R. (2010).
Differentiating adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis from
psychotic and non-psychotic patients with the Rorschach. Psychiatry Research, 179,
151-156. (Finland).
Iwasa, K., & Ogawa, T. (2010). The relationship between texture responses on the Rorschach
and adult attachment. Rorschachiana, 31, 4-21. (Japan).
Kandhari, S., Sharma, J., & Kumar, R. (2010). Development of a comprehensive scoring
system for SIS-I. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 17, 120-125.
Katko, N. J., Meyer, G. J., Mihura, J. L., & Bombel, G. (2010). A principal components
analysis of Rorschach aggression and hostility variables. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 92, 594-598. (USA).
Kostogianni, N. (2010). The Rorschach in planning treatment of alcohol addiction patients.
Rorschachiana, 31, 192-222. (France).
Kottke, J. L., Olson, D. A., & Shultz, K. S. (2010). The devil is in the details: A comment on
"What might this be? Rediscovering the Rorschach as a tool for personnel selection in
Organizations" (Del Giudice, 2010). Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 610-612.
Lorio, R., Moressa, G., Meneghello, F., Salcuni, S., Stabile, M. R., Zennaro, A., Ferro, L., &
Tonin, P. (2010). Personality functioning in patients with a progressive course of
multiple sclerosis. Psychological Reports, 107, 629-646. (Italy).
McCloskey, L. (2010). Response frequency and Exner's active-passive ratio as Rorschach
indicators of flexibility. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 111, 559-575. (USA).
Mishra, D. K., & K, R. (2010). Rorschach profile of manic patients. Journal of Projective
Psychology & Mental Health, 17, 158-164. (India).
Mitra, S., & Sanyal, N. (2010). A single case in interpretative wrappings of
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17, 165-170. (India).
Mogami, T. (2010). Psychosexual fixation and defense mechanisms in a sample of
young Japanese women: A preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 107, 79-86.
Nashat, S. (2010).The Rorschach and the internet. Rorschachiana, 31, 1-3. (England).
Palmieri, A., Sorarù, G., Albertini, E., Semenza, C., Vottero-Ris, F., D'Ascenzo, C., Querin,
G., Zennaro, A., Pegoraro, E., & Angelini, C. (2010). Psychopathological features
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31, 735-740. (Italy).
Peterson, A. C. (2010). The encounter with the unfamiliar. Rorschachiana, 31, 90-111.
Porcelli, P. (2010). Rorschach Comprehensive System predictors of bio-psychological
distress in patients with chronic disease. Rorschachiana, 31, 143-171. (Italy).
Rivera, B. A., & Viglione, Donald J. (2010). Conceptualization of children's
interpersonal relatedness with the Rorschach: A qualitative multiple case study.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 377-389. (USA).
Sendin, M. C. (2010).Rorschach usefulness in treatment planning. Rorschachiana, 31, 70-
89. (Spain).
Sultan, S. (2010). Translational research experiences in health psychology with the
Rorschach. Rorschachiana, 31, 113-116. (France).
Teglasi, H. (2010). Essentials of TAT and other storytelling assessments (2nd ed.). Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc. (USA).
Turk, A. A., Brown, W. S., Symington, M.., & Paul, L. K. (2010). Social narratives in
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Test. Neuropsychologia, 48, 43-50. (USA).
Weizmann-Henelius, G., Kivilinna, E., & Eronen, M. (2010). The utility of
Rorschach in forensic psychiatric evaluations - A case study. Nordic Psychology, 62,
36-49. (Finland).
Yadav, S., & Singh, P. (2010). A comparative study of empathy in schizophrenics
and normal males and females. Indian Journal of Community Psychology, 6,
247-253. (India).
Yamamoto, K., Kanbara, K., Mutsuura, H., Ban, I., Mizuno, Y., Abe, T., Yoshino, M., Tajika,
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patients with chronic pain assessed by the Rorschach test. BioPsychoSocial Medicine,
4, 20. (Japan).

Bouvet, C. (2010). Présentation de la Social cognition and object relation scale (SCORS –
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de Tychey, C. (2010). Alexithymie et pensée opératoire: Approche comparative clinique
projective franco-américaine. Psychologie Clinique et Projective, 16, 177-208.
de Tychey, C. (2010). Test des contes et clinique infantile. Paris: In Press. (France).
Fouques, D., & Bénony, H. (2010). Troubles bipolaires et Rorschach: État de la question.
Pratiques Psychologiques, 16, 375-388. (France).
Tunaboylu İkiz, T., Zabcı, N., Pirim Düşgör, B., Erdem Atak, İ., Yavuz, E., Purisa, S., &
Cagatay, P. (2010). Etude normative du Rorschach de la population adolescente
turque, Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 16, 209-232. (Turkey).
Tunaboylu-İkiz, T., Zabcı, N., Pirim Düşgör, B., Yavuz, E., Erdem-Atak, İ., Alsancak
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Zabci, N., İkiz, T., & Alsancak-Sönmez, B. (2010). Le fonctionnement affectif à la
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(Eds.), Etudes et recherches cliniques. Trieste: Luglio (Turkey and Italy).
Hiroko, S. (2010). Differences in interpersonal response between the Rorschach and the Hand
Test. Journal of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, 14,
1-9. (Japan).
Ishimaki, Y. (2010). A study of TAT in adults with pervasive developmental disorder.
Journal of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, 14, 27-
34. (Japan).
Obara, T., Furui, Y., Akioka, Y., Ozeki, M., Kato, Y., Tamaru, Y., Tsuchiya, M.,
Nikaidou, R., Nose, Y., & Kanemoto, K. (2010). An attempt to differentiate
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using the Rorschach test. Seishin Igaku, 52, 127-134. (Japan).
Sanae A. (2010). Rorschach case study of false dissociative identity disorder. Journal of the
Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, 14, 10-17. (Japan).
Suzuki, T., Yoshino, M., Uchida, R., Ueno, C., & Kinoshita, T. (2010). Pre- and post-
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of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, 14,18-25. (Japan).
Tsukamoto, Y., Maehara, H., Ariki, N., & Nakamura, N. (2010). The clinical
importance of Rorschach feedback session (RFBS) for outpatients Journal of Japan
Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System, 14, 39-52. (Japan).
Yasuda, M. (2010). Differences of code rates in the Rorschach card positions: Focusing on
location, developmental quality, & determinants. Journal of the Japanese Society for
the Rorschach and Projective Methods,14, 35-42. (Japan).
Alves, I. C. B., Dias, A. R., Sardinha, L. S., & Conti, F. D. (2010). Raters reliability
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Amparo, D. M. (2010). The segmentation of the image and the mechanism of the split in
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Amparo, D. M., Brasil, K. C. T., & Wolff, L. (2010). Adolescence and psychosis: Trauma
and violence of the pubertal. InterAmerican Journal of Psychology, 44, 411-418.
Amparo, D. M., & Santos, M. (2010). Adolescence and the transition to the violent act:
Clinical and psychodynamic aspects. In D. Amparo, S. Almeida, K. Brasil, & F.
Marty (Eds.), Adolescência e violência: Teorias e práticas nos campos clínico,
educacional e jurídico (pp. 67-88). Brasília: Liber Universidade de Brasília. (Brazil).
Cunha, J. A., & Nunes, M. L. T. (2010). Projective measures. In L. Pasquali (Ed.),
Instrumentação psicológica: Fundamentos e práticas. (1st ed.), (pp. 357-375). Porto
Alegre: Artmed. (Brazil).
Diaz, L. A. S., Fiore, M. L. M., Marques, T. C., Leonel, J. C., Carvalho, L. F., & Yazigi, L.
(2010). The expression of aggressiveness in the borderline personality disorder: A
study with the Rorschach Comprehensive System. In S. R. Pasian (Ed.),
Avanços do Rorschach no Brasil (1st ed.), (pp. 205-218). São Paulo: Casa do
Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Esquivel, D., Brunoni, G. R., Martins, L. A. N., & Yazigi, L. (2010). Situational stress
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-172). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Garcia-Santos, S. C., & Werlang, B. S. G. (2010). The perception of authority in Rorschach
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121-152). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Jacquemin, A., Melo-Silva, L.L., & Pasian, S. R. (2010). Berufsbilder Test (BBT): Test of
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Lukasova, K., Zanin, L. L., Chucre, M. V., de Macedo, G. C., & de Macedo, E. C. (2010).
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scanning of projective tests' figures. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 59, 119-125.
Menezes, R., Amparo, D. M., Abreu, F., & Carvalho, A. (2010). The identity of the
transsexual in the transgenitalization process. In S. R. Pasian (Ed.), Avanços do
Rorschach no Brasil (1st ed.), (pp. 173-204). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Nascimento, R. S. G. F. (2010). Rorschach Comprehensive System: Theory, research and
norms for Brazilian adults. (1st ed.), São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Nunes, M. L. T. (Ed.), (2010). Projective techniques with Children. (1st ed.). São Paulo: Casa
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Nunes, M. T., Teixeira, R. C. P., & Deakin, E. K. (2010). Projective techniques and the
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Técnicas projetivas com crianças (pp. 145-170). São Paulo: Casa do Psicologo.
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Pasian, S. R. (Ed.), (2010). Advances of Rorschach in Brazil. (1st ed.). São Paulo: Casa do
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Pasian, S. R., & Loureiro, S. R. (2010). Reflections about principles and normative standard
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Resende, A. C., & Argimon, I. L. (2010). A transcultural perspective of the method of
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Santoantonio, J., & Antúnez, A. E. A. (2010). Workshop design and the Rorschach: A
structural phenomenological study. Paidéia, 20, 117-122. (Brazil).
Santos, A. A. A., Anache, A., Villemor-amaral, A. E., Werlang, B. S. G., Reppold, C. T.,
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Saur, A., Pasian, S. R., & Loureiro, S. R. (2010). Human Figure Drawing and the evaluation
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Semer, N. L., & Yazigi, L. (2010). Self-esteem and Enuresis: A study in children by
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Silva-Neto, A. C. P., & Custodio, E. M. (2010). Temporal stability of the Comprehensive
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Villemor-Amaral, A. E. (2010). Borderline personality and the structural phenomenological
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Villemor-Amaral, A. E., & Franco, R. R. C. (2010). The Structural phenomenological
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Villemor-Amaral, A. E., & Yazigi, L. (Eds.), (2010). Structural phenomenological
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Werlang, B. S. G., Villemor-Amaral, A. E., & Nascimento, R. S. G. F. (2010). Psychological
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Regulamentação da profissão. (1st ed.), (Vol. 1; pp. 87-100). Brasilia: Conselho
Federal de Psicologia. (Brazil).
Xavier, M. F., & Villemor-amaral, A. E. (2010). Evaluators reliability assessment of the
analysis of the cognitive aspects of CAT-A. In M. L. T. Nunes, (Ed.), Técnicas
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Yazigi, L., & Noffs, M. H. (2010). Epilepsy, Rorschach and phenomenology. In A. E.
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(pp. 83-118). São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo. (Brazil).
Yazigi, L., Amaro, T. de C., Fiore, M. L. de M., & Semer, N. L. (2010). Rorschach,
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Yazigi, L., & Villemor-amaral, A. E. (2010). Introduction to the Structural phenomenological
psychopathology. In A. E. Villemor-Amaral, & L. Yazigi (Eds.), Psicopatologia
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Campo, V. (2010). Suicidio y Rorschach. Revista del la Sociedad Espanola del Rorschach y
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Campo, V., & Vilar, N. (2010). El análisis del contenido de los determinantes múltiples no
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Domènech, J. M. (2010). Evaluacion psicológica: Aportación a la comprensión de
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Fuster, J. (2010). En pro de la validez del SC del Rorschach. Revista del la Sociedad
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Fuster, C., & Campo, V. (2010). Normas que reflejan la singularidad. La necesidad de adaptar
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Manne, C. (2010). Abuso y/o negligencia parentales? Tienen el Rorschach y el TAT
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Metodos Proyectivos (SERYMP), 23, 9-21. (Israel, Translated from English).
Pradillo, M. P. (2010). De la Evaluación Psicológica a la Evaluación Psicopedagógica.
Revista del la Sociedad Espanola del Rorschach y Metodos Proyectivos (SERYMP),
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Rodriguez, I. R., & Gutierrez, A. E. (2010). El simbolismo del dibujo en el niño
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Sangro, F. M. (2010). Representación del apego a través del Dibujo del Nido y el Dibujo
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Akarsu, Ö. (2010). Evalution of body dysmorphic disorder with projective tests. Yansıtma
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Akgün, O. (2010). The psychological assessment of a self-mutilative adolescent girl’s
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Altınel, E., & Ucur, E. (2010). Comparative evaluation of a child with ADHD findings as
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Ayadi, F. (2010). The Rorschach experience and the war trauma. Yansıtma - Journal of
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Başer, S.C., & Tütüncü, R. (2010). Differentiation of the psychotic from the non-psychotic
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Bulamur, E.Z. (2010). The effects of domestic violence and trauma on the female psyche.
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Eker, E., & Şengül, H. S. (2010). Reflections of adolescent computer addiction in the
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Hatipoğlu, G. (2010). Evalution of a patient with Rorschach and TAT diagnosed as alchololic.
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Kandemir, F. (2010). Premenopause and Rorschach test: A case study. Yansıtma
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Karaca, N., & Dursun, M. (2010). Superego structuring in adolescents being evaluated with
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Kocabıyık, Z. (2010). Evalution of a gambling addict with projective techniques. Yansıtma
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Okçuoğlu, Z. (2010). The evaluation of psychic process of organ transplant patients through
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Özütek, S. (2010). The evalution of the narcissistic case consulted with depressive
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