Reference List 2011
Claude de Tychey
Articles are categorized by language
of publication. The author's country is
indicated in brackets at the end of
the reference. The languages are listed
by alphabetical order.
Lečbych, M. (2011). Cesta Rorschachovy
metody k rodinné terapii (The way of
Rorschach method to family therapy). In D.
Heller & P. Michálek (Eds.), Psychologické dny
2010: Cesty psychologie a psychologie cest (Psychological
days: The ways of psychology and
psychology of the ways) (pp. 174–178). Praha:
Czech Agricultural University and Czech-
Moravian Psychological Society. (Czech
Polák, A., Obuch, I. (2011). Komprehenzivní
přístup J. E. Exnera. Standardizovaný přístup k
vyhodnocování Rorschachovy metody. (Comprehensive
approach of J. E. Exner: Standardized
approach to analysis of Rorschach method).
Praha: Testcentrum-Hogrefe, 273 p. (Czech
Ackerman, M.J., Pritzl, T.B. (2011). Child custody
evaluation practices: A 20 year follow
up. Family Court Review, 49, 3, 618-628.
Acklin, M. W (2011). Psychosomatics: No longer
a blot on the history of psychiatry. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 93, 5, 537. (USA).
Akavia, N. (2011). Subjectivity in motion:
Movement between psyche and soma in the
work of Hermann Rorschach. Dissertation
Abstracts International Section A: Humanities
and Social Sciences, 71,12-A, 4530. (USA).
Alsleben, P., Kuhl, J. (2011). Touching a person's
essence: Using implicit motives as personal
resources in counseling. Handbook of
motivational counseling: Goal-based approa -
ches to assessment and intervention with
addiction and other problems (2nd ed.). In
Cox, W. Miles (Ed); Klinger, Eric (Ed) Handbook
of motivational counseling: Goal-based
approaches to assessment and intervention with
addiction and other problems (2nd ed.), 109-129.
Wiley-Blackwell, 641 pp. (USA).
Amann, L.(2011). Depression and the Thematic
Apperception Test: Toward systematic scoring
and diagnosis. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
71 (11-B), 7076. (USA).
Appel, L. (2011). The collapse of potential
space in adolescents with psychosomatic disorders:
A Rorschach illustration of two case
studies. Rorschachiana, 32, 2 151-182. (Israel).
Arnon, Z., Maoz, G., Gazit, T., Klein, E. (2011).
Rorschach indicators of PTSD: A retrospective
study. Rorschachiana, 32,1, 5-26. (Israel).
Arvidsson, D., Sikstrom, S., Werbart, A. (2011).
Changes in self and object representations
following psychotherapy measured by a theory-
free, computational, semantic space
method. Psychotherapy Research, 21,4, 430-
446. (USA).
Belmont, A. R. (2011). Self-perception in
Andean Quechua-speaking children entering
school using the Rorschach method.
Rorschachiana, 32,2, 121-150. (USA).
Bhatnagar, P., Shukla, R. (2011). Relational
world of female orphans. Indian Journal of
Community Psychology, 7,2, 241-248. (India).
Bilash, I.S . (2011). An investigation of the relationship
between empathy and the human
movement response on the Rorschach Test.
Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B:
The Sciences and Engineering, 72 5-B, 3128.
Blasczyk-Schiep, S., Kazen, M., Kuhl, J., Grygielski,
M. (2011). Appraisal of suicidal risk
among adolescents and young adults through
the Rorschach Test. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 93, 5, 518-526. (Poland).
Bolle, A.M. (2011). The personality structure of
thyroid patients on the Rorschach Test.
Disser tation Abstracts International, Section B:
The Sciences and Engineering, 72, 5-B, 3128.
Buchheim, A., George, C. (2011). Attachment
disorganization in borderline personality
disorder and anxiety disorder. In Solomon,
Judith (Ed), George, Carol (Eds). Disorganized
attachment and caregiving (pp. 343-382).
New York, NY, US: Guilford Press, 427 pp.
Campos, R. C. (2011). 'It might be what I am':
Looking at the use of Rorschach in psychological
assessment. Journal of Projective Psychology
& Mental Health, 18,1, 28-38. (USA).
Carabellese, F., Maniglio, R., Greco, O., Catanesi,
R. (2011). The role of fantasy in a serial
sexual offender: A brief review of the literature
and a case report. Journal of Forensic Sciences,
56,1, 256-260. (USA).
Carstairs, K.S. (2011). Rorschach assessment
of parenting capacity: A case study.
Rorschachiana, 32,1, 91-116. (USA).
Carter, M.N., Duthie, B., Saari, R. (2011).
Rorschach Inkblot Test comparison of SVP
offenders against adults and children. American
Journal of Forensic Psychology, 29,2, 43-57.
Corliss, B.A. (2011). Social competence and the
Rorschach Comprehensive System's Coping
Deficit Index: A validity study with children
and adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
72, 5-B, 3090. (USA).
Cox, W. M., Klinger, E. (2011). Measuring motivation:
The Motivational Structure Questionnaire
and Personal Concerns Inventory and
their variants. In Cox, W. Miles (Ed), Klinger,
Eric (Ed), (2011). Handbook of motivational
counseling: Goal-based approaches to assessment
and intervention with addiction and
other problems (2nd ed.), (pp. 161-204). Wiley-
Blackwell, 641 p. (USA).
Crowell, K. D. (2011). Understanding the trauma
of child prostitution: An exploratory
examination comparing child sexual abuse
victims to commercially sexually exploited
minors. Dissertation Abstracts Internationa,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 72,1-
B, 526. (USA).
Diener, M. J., Hilsenroth, M.J., Shaffer, S.A.,
Sexton, J.E. (2011). A meta analysis of the
relationship between the Rorschach Ego
Impairment Index (EII) and psychiatric
severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,
18, 6, 464-485. (USA).
Dolan, T., Fowler, J. C. (2011). Early memories,
object relations, and current relationship
functioning. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic,
75, 3, 205-223. (USA).
Eastwick, P.W., Finkel, E.J., Eagly, A. H. (2011).
When and why do ideal partner preferences
affect the process of initiating and maintaining
romantic relationships? Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 101, 5, 1012-1032.
Evdokas, A., Khadivi, A. (2011). Activity, passivity,
and the subjective experience of hypomania.
In Piers, C. (Ed), Personality and psychopathology:
Critical dialogues with David
Shapiro (pp. 261-272). New York, NY, US:
Springer Science + Business Media, 292 p.
Fedak, C.E. (2011). Does psychological imbalance
according to Rorschach variables predict
adolescent criminal behavior? Dissertation
Abstracts International: Section B: The
Sciences and Engineering, 71, 7-B, 4531. (USA).
Fellers, G.L. (2011). A study of the relationships
between selected Rorschach variables
and neuroticism and extraversion. Disser -
tation Abstracts International, Section B:
The Sciences and Engineering, 72, 5-B, 3128.
Finn, S. E. (2011). Use of the Adult Attachment
Projective Picture System (AAP) in the middle
of a long-term psychotherapy. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 93, 5, 427-433. (USA).
Finn, S.E. (2011). Journeys through the valley
of death: Multimethod psychological assessment
and personality transformation in longterm
psychotherapy. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 93,2, 123-141. (USA).
Gagnon, J., Daelman, S. (2011). An empirical
study of the psychodynamics of borderline
impulsivity: A preliminary report. Psychoanalytic
Psychology, 28,3, 341-362. (USA).
George, C., West, M. (2011). The Adult Attachment
Projective Picture System: Integrating
attachment into clinical assessment. Journal
of Personality Assessment. Vol 93, 5, 407-416.
Gillies, C. L. (2011). Depressive disorders and
their assessment in children. Dissertation
Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences
and Engineering, 71,11-B, 7086. (USA).
Gottheil, E. A., Groth-Marnat, G. (2011). A
grounded theory study of spirituality: Using
personal narratives suggested by spiritual
images. Journal of Religion and Health, 50,2,
452-463. (USA).
Greene, R.L. (2011). Some considerations for
enhancing psychological assessment. Journal
of Personality Assessment. Vol 93, 3, 198-203.
Guerrero, B., Lipkind, J., Rosenberg, A. (2011).
Why did she put nail polish in my drink?
Applying the Therapeutic Assessment Model
with an African American foster child in a
community mental health setting. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 93, 1, 7-15. (USA).
Guinzbourg, M. (2011). Eating disorders‚ A current
concern: Similarities and differences
among the anorexia, bulimia, and EDNOS
categories. Rorschachiana, 32, 1, 27-45.
Harwood, T. M., Beutler, L.E., Groth-Marnat,
G.(2011). Integrative assessment of adult personality
(3rd ed.). New York, NY, US: Guilford
Press. 475 p. (USA).
Haynes, S. N., Smith, Gregory T., Hunsley, J. D.
(2011). Scientific foundations of clinical assessment.
Foundations of clinical science and practice.
New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor &
Francis Group. 272 p. (USA).
Hennighausen, K.H., Bureau, J.F., David, D. H.,
Holmes, B.M., Lyons-Ruth, K. (2011). Disorganized
attachment behavior observed in
adolescence: Validation in relation to adult
attachment interview classifications at age
25. In Solomon, Judith (Ed), George, Carol
(Ed), (2011). Disorganized attachment and
caregiving (pp. 207-244). New York, NY, US:
Guilford Press, 427 p. (USA).
Hofer, Jan, Busch, Holger (2011). When the
needs for affiliation and intimacy are frustrated:
Envy and indirect aggression among
German and Cameroonian adults. Journal of
Research in Personality, 45, 2, 219-228. (USA).
Holens, P. L. (2011). Adult attachment styles: A
comparison between psychologically maltreated
and non-maltreated individuals using
self-report and projective methods. Dissertation
Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences
and Engineering, 72, 4-B, 2437. (USA).
Ikiz, T. (2011). The history and development of
the Rorschach test in Turkey. Rorschachiana,
32, 72-90. (Turkey).
Ilonen, T., Hakola, P., Vanhanen, M., Tiihonen,
J.(2011). Rorschach assessment of personality
functioning in patients with polycystic
lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing
leukoencephalopathy. Acta Neuropsychiatrica,
10,111, 1601. (Finland).
Izydorczyk, B. (2011). A psychological diagnosis
of the structure of the body self in a group of
selected young Polish females without eating
or other mental disorders. Archives of Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy, 13, 2, 21-30. (USA).
Katko, N.J. (2011). Hard-hearted doctors: The
incremental validity of explicit and implicitbased
methods in predicting cardiovascular
disease in physicians. Dissertation Abstracts
International, Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
72, 3-B, 1798. (USA).
Khalily, M., Tahir, Hallahan, B. (2011). Psychological
assessment through performancebased
techniques and self-reports: A case
study of a sexually abused girl at preschool
age. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: Research,
Treatment, & Program Innovations for Victims,
Survivors, & Offenders, 20,3, 338-352. (USA).
Kitaeff, J. (2011). History of police psychology.
In Kitaeff, Jack (Ed), (2011). Handbook of
police psychology. Series in applied psychology
(pp. 1-59). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor
& Francis Group, 569 p. (USA).
Kirstin G. (2011). A validity study for a new
Rorschach perceptual accuracy system with
children. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 72,1-
B, 532. (USA).
Krause, S., Back, M.D., Egloff, B., Schmukle,
S.C. (2011). Reliability of implicit self-esteem
measures revisited. European Journal of Personality,
25, 3, 239-251. (USA).
Kurtz, M. J. (2011). The Rorschach Comprehensive
System as a measure of sociopolitical
and religious values. Dissertation Abstracts
International, Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
72, 6-B, 3723. (USA).
Lange-Kuttner, C. ( 2011). Sex differences in
visual realism in drawings of animate and
inanimate objects. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 113, 2, 439-453. (USA).
Lanyon, R. I (2011). Review of Handbook of
psychological assessment, (5th ed.). Clinical
Psychology Review, 31, 3, 514. (USA).
Lavigne, G. L., Vallerand, R.J., Crevier-Braud,
L. (2011). The fundamental need to belong:
On the distinction between growth and
deficit-reduction orientations. Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 9, 1185-1201.
Lazo, A. (2011). Integrating Joiner's interpersonal-
psychological theory of suicide with the
Rorschach. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 71,
12-B, 7729. (USA).
Lee, S. M., Borelli, J. L. West, J.L. (2011). Children's
attachment relationships: Can attachment
data be used in child custody evaluations?
Journal of Child Custody: Research,
Issues, and Practices. Vol 8, 3, 212-242. (USA).
Lemov, R. (2011). X rays of inner worlds: The
mid- twentieth century American projective
test movement. Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences, 47, 3, 251-278. (USA).
Lis, A., Mazzeschi, C., Di Riso, D., Salcuni, S.
(2011). Attachment, assessment, and psychological
intervention: A case study of anorexia.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 93, 5, 434-
444. (Italy).
McClintock, S.M., Brandon, A. R., Husain,
M.M., Jarrett, R. B. (2011). A systematic
review of the combined use of electroconvulsive
therapy and psychotherapy for depression.
The Journal of ECT, 3, 236-243. (USA).
Masling, J. (2011). Measuring Primary Process.
A Quarterly Psychoanalytic Forum, 1, 27-8.
Mattlar, C-E. (2011). The Issue of an Evolutionary
Development of the Rorschach Comprehensive
System (RCS) Versus a Revolutionary
Change (R-PAS). www.rorschachtraining.com.
May, E. C., Marwaha, S. B., Chaganti, V. (2011).
Anomalous cognition: Two protocols for data
collection and analyses. Journal of the Society
for Psychical Research, 75, 905, 4, 191-210.
Mercer, B. L. (2011). Psychological assessment
of children in a community mental health
clinic. Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol
93, 1, 1-6. (USA).
Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L. (2011). Gender monitoring
and gender reassignment of children
and adolescents with a somatic disorder of
sex development. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric
Clinics of North America, 20, 4, 639-649.
Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Villemor-Amaral, A.
E., Primi, Ricardo, Yazigi, L., Nascimento, R.
S. G. F., Semer, N. L. & Takahashi, Y. (2011).
Developing the form quality tables. In:
Meyer, G., Viglione, D., Mihura, J., Erard, R. &
Erdberg, P. (Org.). Rorschach Performance
Assessment System. Administration, Coding,
Interpretation and Technical Manual. 1st ed.
Toledo: LLC, 1, pp. 413-429. (USA).
Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P.R., Avihou-Kanza, N.(
2011). Individual differences in adult attachment
are systematically related to dream narratives.
Attachment & Human Development, 3,
2, 105-123. (USA).
Miller, L. A., McIntire, S. A., Lovler, R. L. (2011).
Foundations of psychological testing: A practical
problem (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA, US:
Sage Publications, Inc., 613 pp. (USA).
Nadal, K.L., Monzones, J. (2011). Neuropsychological
assessments and Filipino Americans:
Cultural implications for practice. The neuropsychology
of Asian Americans. In Daryl E.
M. (Ed), Studies on neuropsychology, neurology,
and cognition (pp. 47-70). New York, NY, US:
Psychology Press, 311 p. (USA).
Nashat, S. (2011). Grasping complexity.
Rorschachiana, 32, 1, 1-4. (United Kingdom).
Neimeyer, R.A., Torres, C., Smith, D. (2011). The
virtual dream: Rewriting stories of loss and
grief. Death Studies, 35, 7, 646-672. (USA).
Obrzut, J.E., LaRoque, S., Davis A.S., Davis,
Andrew S. (2011). Personality assessment for
a pediatric population. Handbook of pediatric
neuropsychology, pp. 293-307. New York, NY,
US: Springer Publishing Co. 1214 p. (USA).
Odendaal, I.E., Brink, M., Theron, L.C. (2011).
Rethinking Rorschach interpretation: An
exploration of resilient black South African
adolescents‚ a personal construction. South
African Journal of Psychology, 41, 4, 528-539.
(South Africa).
Ota, M., Obu, S, S., Noriko A., Takashi, T. (2011).
Neuroimaging study in subjects at high risk
of psychosis revealed by the Rorschach test
and first episode schizophrenia. Acta Neuropsychiatrica,
23, 3, 125-131. (Japan).
Owen Jr., D. W. (2011). The role of assessment
in mental health counseling. In Palmo, Artis
J. (Ed), Weikel, William J. (Ed), Borsos, David
P. (Ed). Foundations of mental health counseling
(4th ed.), (pp. 333-353). Springfield, IL, US:
Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 481 p. (USA).
Perfect, M. M., Tharinger, D.J., Keith, T. Z., Lyle-
Lahroud, T. (2011). Relations between Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory
scales and Rorschach variables with the
scope and severity of maltreatment among
adolescents. Journal of Personality Assessment,
93, 6, 582-591. (USA).
Perlman, M.D. (2011). Sweet child (but only
when not in school). In Mather, Nancy (Ed),
Jaffe, Lynne E. (Ed). Comprehensive evaluations:
Case reports for psychologists, diagnosticians,
and special educators, (pp. 293-315).
Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 629
p. (USA).
Pineda, J. A., Giromini, L., Porcelli, P., Parolin,
L., Viglione, D. J. (2011). Mu suppression and
human movement responses to the Rorschach
test. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication
of Neuroscience Research, 22, 5, 223-226.
Pomerantz, A. M. (2011). Clinical psychology:
Science, practice, and culture (2nd ed.). Thousand
Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, 543 p.
Proulx, R. (2011). An empirical study of Werner's
orthogenetic law of development utilizing
the Rorschach technique. Dissertation
Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences
and Engineering, 72, 4-B, 2469. (USA).
Raspantini, R. L., Fernandes, S., & Pasian, S. R.
(2011). The Rorschach in Brazilian Children.
Rorschachiana, 32, 199-222. (Brazil).
Roman, P., Dublineau, M., Saboia, C. (2011).
Projective Kit for Early Childhood (P.K.E.C.):
A Projective Tool for Research and Clinical
Assessment. Rorschachiana, 32 (2), 223-251.
Rossetti, R. Daini, S. (2011). Attempted suicide
in borderline patients: Projective suggestions
and clinical paths. Journal of Projective Psychology
& Mental Health, 18, 2, 130-146.
Sakowicz, K. (2011). Rorschach correlates of
childhood sexual abuse. Dissertation Abstracts
International, Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
72, 2-B, 1176. (USA).
Sahly, J., Shaffer, T.W., Erdberg, P., O'Toole, S.
(2011). Rorschach intercoder reliability for
protocol-level comprehensive system variables
in an international sample. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 93, 6, 592-596. (USA).
Saneei, A., Bahrami, H., Haghegh, S. A. (2011).
Self-esteem and anxiety in human figure
drawing of Iranian children with ADHD. The
Arts in Psychotherapy, 38, 4, 256-260. (USA).
Savoja, V., Sani, G., Kotzalidis, G. D., De Rossi,
P., Stefani, S., Pancheri, L., Santucci, C.,
Roma, P., Ferracuti, S., Simonetti, A.,
Ambrosi, E., Comparelli, A., Manfredi, G.,
Tatarelli, R., Angeletti, G., Girardi, P. (2011).
Bipolar disorder presenting as stalking‚ a
case report. Psychiatria Danubina, 23, 1, 69-
72. (Italy).
Schachler, J., Kuster, M. (2011). Binge eating as
a consequence of unfulfilled basic needs: The
moderating role of implicit achievement
motivation. Motivation and Emotion, 35, 1, 89-
97. (USA).
Schattke, K., Koestner, R., Kehr, H.M. [(2011).
Childhood correlates of adult levels of incongruence
between implicit and explicit
motives. Motivation and Emotion, 35, 3, 306-
316. (USA).
Sheldon, K. M., Schachler, J. (2011). Wanting,
having, and needing: Integrating motive
disposition theory and self-determination
theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
101, 5, 1106-1123. (USA).
Shweta, R. C., Bajpai, S. A. R., Sengar, K. S.
(2011). Associational contents of Rorschach
and its relationship with verbal intelligence
in adults. Journal of Projective Psychology &
Mental Health, 18, 2, 193-199. (India).
Silva, D. R., Ferreira, A.S. (2011). Color and production
of responses to Rorschach: A crosscultural
study. Paideia, 21, 49, 149-156.
Silva, D. R. (2011). Role of color on the production
of responses in children Rorschach protocols.
Rorschachiana, 32, 2, 183-198. (Brazil).
Silva, D. R., Pires, A. A. (2011). One more datum
on Rorschach form quality. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 93, 3, 316-322. (Brazil).
Singh, A., Singh, S. K., Singh, R. K. (2011).
Pathological personality and approval motive
in smokers. Journal of Projective Psychology &
Mental Health, V, 18, 2, 168-172. (India).
Slabbinck, H., Houwer, J.D., Van Kenhove, P.
(2011). A pictorial attitude IAT as a measure
of implicit motives. European Journal of Personality,
25, 1, 76-86. (Belgium).
Talkington,V. (2011). Describing emotional,
social, and cognitive processes in adolescents
with and without psychopathic traits: Examining
Rorschach variables. Dissertation
Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences
and Engineering, 71, 9-B, 5836. (USA).
Titelman, D.N., A., Svensson, B., Karlsson, H.,
Bruchfeld, S. (2011). Suicide-nearness
assessed with PORT, the Percept-genetic
Object-Relation Test: A replication and a reliability
study. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic,
75, 4, 295-314. (USA).
Van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2011). Bias and real differences
in cross-cultural differences: Neither
friends nor foes. In Chasiotis, Athanasios,
Breugelmans, Seger M. (Eds). Fundamental
questions in cross-cultural psychology, (pp.
235-257). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University
Press, 590 p. (USA).
Vatovec, E. A. (2011). The value of a themati -
cally administered Rorschach. Dissertation
Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences
and Engineering, 72, 6-B, 3772. (USA).
Verdon, B. (2011). The case of thematic tests
adapted to older adults: On the importance
of differentiating latent and manifest contents
in projective tests. Rorschachiana, 32,
46-71. (France).
Viglione, D., Perry, W., Giromini, L., Meyer, G.
(2011). Revising the Rorschach Ego Impairment
Index to accommodate recent recommendations
about improving Rorschach
validity. International Journal of Testing, 11, 4,
349-364. (USA).
Webster, L., Joubert, D. (2011). Use of the Adult
Attachment Projective Picture System in an
assessment of an adolescent in foster care.
Journal of Personality Assessment. 93, 5, 417-
426. (USA).
Webster, L., Hackett, R. K. (2011). An
exploratory investigation of the relationships
among representational security, disorganization,
and behavior ratings in maltreated children.
In Solomon, Judith (Ed.), George, Carol
(Ed.), (2011). Disorganized attachment and
caregiving, pp. 292-317. New York, NY, US:
Guilford Press, 427 p. (USA).
Willcock, E., Imuta, K., Hayne, H. (2011). Children‚
as human figure drawings do not measure
intellectual ability. Journal of Experimental
Child Psychology, 110, 3, 444-452. (USA).
Williams, R. B., Picthall-French, N., Flagg-
Williams, J.B. (2011). In pursuit of the Aboriginal
child's perspective via a culture-free task
and clinical interview. Journal of Projective
Psychology & Mental Health, 18, 1, 22-27.
Whitney A. E. (2011). Rorschach reliability
with exposure to internet-based images and
information. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
71, 12-B, 7735. (USA).
Whipple, R., Fowler, J. C. 2011). Affect, relationship
schemas, and social cognition: Selfinjuring
borderline personality disorder
inpatients. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 28, 2,
183-195. (USA).
Yazigi, l. (2011). Editorial Rorschachiana Special
Selection - Studies with Children and
Adolescents. Rorschachiana , 32, 117-120.
Zodan, J. (2011). Rorschach assessment of
childhood sexual abuse and borderline
pathology: A comparison of clinical samples.
Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B:
The Sciences and Engineering, 71, 10-B, 6457.
Zucker, K. J., Wood, H. (2011). Assessment of
gender variance in children. Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 20, 4,
665-680. (USA).
Zusho, A., Clayton, K. (2011). Culturalizing
achievement goal theory and research. Educational
Psychologist, 46, 4, 239-260. (USA).
Konttila, A. & Tyni, S. (2011). OMA-ohjelman
suorittaneiden väkivaltarikollisten uusintarikollisuus
sekä ohjelman välittömät vaikutukset.
(Short and long-term effects of the
Finnish Cognitive Self Change – programme
for violent offenders: an evaluation study).
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Helsinki: Rikosseuraamuslaitos (Finland).
Lonen, T., Tikka, M., Hietala, J. (2011). Social
cognition in schizophrenia – a promising target
for treatment interventions or emperor’s
new clothes. Psychiatria Fennica, 42, 9-18.
Arnould, C., Daviller, M., Feral, E., & de Tychey,
C. (2011). Pertinence du FTT chez des enfants
français ayant des troubles des apprentissages:
résultats préliminaires. Neuropsychiatrie
de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, 59, 501-507.
Azoulay, C. (2011). Aurélien: une clinique projective
conjuguée sur trois temps. In
Emmanuelli, M. (dir.). Actualité des troubles
névrotiques chez l'enfant et l'adolescent.
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