ISR ロールシャッハ 100 年記念大会に向けて、国際交流委員会で研修会を開催します。国際学会への参加となると、ちょっと敷居が高いな・・・と思われるかもしれません。その敷居を少しでも低くできるような企画を考えました!! まずは第 1 弾、『国際学会に行こう!』3 回連続でオンライン開催します。痒いところに手が届く、あるようでなかった貴重な内容です。三浦優生 先生(愛媛大学教育・学生支援機構 英語教育センター)に国際学会のイロハを教えていただきます!第 2 弾は、『プレゼンテーションの実際』を予定しています。
2021年7月のPre-Congress Webinar企画のお知らせ(ISR)(2020.9.23)
2022年7月に延期開催される第 23 回 ISR「ロールシャッハ 100 年記念大会についての続報として、2021 年 7 月から Pre-Congress Webinar の企画についての情報がアップされました。詳しくはチラシをご覧ください。
また、併せて、記念大会のHP もご覧ください。
開催日時: 2020年9月10日(木)、17日(木)、24日(木)の三日間、各四時間ずつ行われます(Zoomを使用)
JRSC会長 野田昌道
JRSC会長 野田昌道
※参加費の早期割引きは、 5月14日までです。
ロールシャッハ・テストは2021年で100歳を迎えます! この歴史的な記念すべき瞬間に立ち会うことができるのは、とても幸運なことだと思います。
<主 催> 国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会理事会
<テーマ> ロールシャッハと投映心理学:人間理解を育んできた100年
<日 程> 2021年7月12-16日(12日はワークショップを開催)
<開催地> ジュネーヴ大学医学部(スイス)
- マップ・プロジェクト:1921年にスイスで公刊されたヘルマン・ロールシャッハの『精神診断学』と10枚の図版は、いかにして世界に広がり、定着し、発展していったのか。その歴史をたどります。
- ビデオ・プロジェクト:ロールシャッハを使ったことで患者/クライアントに大きな効果がもたらされた出来事について、各国のロールシャッハ・テスト実践家に語ってもらいます。その語りを収めた10本から20本程度の短いビデオを編集し、ロールシャッハ・テストを用いたアセスメントが人々の現実の生活にどのような影響を与えてくれるのかを示します。
- ヘルマン・ロールシャッハの博士論文の4か国語(英語、フランス語、スペイン語、日本語)への翻訳
- ヘルマン・ロールシャッハ・アーカイブス博物館による展示
- Rorschachiana等による出版プロジェクト
国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会(ISR) 会長 中村紀子
ISR Letter Head Presidents 20190718
【ISR Letter Head Presidents 20190718】
Office of the President
4-12-16-617 Bunkyo-ku, Hongo
Tokyo, 1130033, Japan
Noriko Nakamura, Ph. D.
Dear ISR Presidents,
Greetings from Tokyo!
This is my regular communication before the ISR Board Meeting this year, in Ljubljana, Slovenia from July 31 to August 1.
There are several issues on which I need to ask your assistance.
1) Name and email address list of your members.
Our treasurer, Sushila Dixit, may already have asked you to send us the “name and email address list” of your society’s members. I want to tell you why it is so important for you to give us this list.
It is all for the upcoming new “Members’ only section” of the website. Ever since I started my presidency, it has been my strong desire to create this “Members’ only section” in order to have direct contact with and between members and so that we can get rid of the token system. Unfortunately, for security reasons as well as limitations in server capacity, this was not possible until now. However, thanks to the diligent work of our Webmaster, Sadegh Naschat, our dream is about to come true. In order to make this section function, it is vital to have your updated email address and member name list. We will also ask you every year to send us this updated list.
2) XXIII ISR Centenary Congress Scientific Committee
The 2021 ISR Congress will be hosted by the ISR Board, which created the Organizing Committee, consisting of a mixture of Board members, including myself, and ex-officio members. The Organizing Committee is responsible for appointing the head of the Scientific Committee and I am very glad to let you know that Prof. Anna Elisa Villemor-Amaral (Brazil) has agreed to take that role. I want to thank you for your help in nominating members from your society for that committee; we were able to form a very strong and effective committee consisting of about 30 members worldwide.
3) Congress Projects
One of the most important requests I want to ask today is for your active involvement/participation in the following special projects for the Centenary Congress.
1. A map project: Traces the history of how Hermann Rorschach’s “Psychodiagnostics” and the 10 cards published in Switzerland in 1921 spread, took root and developed worldwide.
2. A video project: Composed of 10-20 very short videos from Rorschachers around the world speaking about instances where using the Rorschach had a major impact on a patient/client, to document how Rorschach assessment can affect real people’s lives.
Through these projects we can learn what is going on domestically as well as internationally, and this Centenary Congress is an excellent opportunity for us all to work together and cooperate. Let us take up this exciting challenge and use it to get to know each other better within our own countries and worldwide. You will be contacted by the project leaders in the early fall.
4) I am attaching two files. One is my notice about the next 2021 ISR Centenary Congress. Please translate it into your own language and put it up on your website. Thank you in advance for your time and energy to do this. Please inform me when you finish putting this information up on your webpage.
The other attachment is the poster the Organizing Committee made. There are two versions of the poster, and you can choose and use whichever according to your preference. Do please distribute this poster as widely as possible!
I will be in touch again to report on the Board Meeting.
Thanking you and your members for your understanding and support!
Best wishes,
Noriko Nakamura, Ph. D.
1907 ISR 2021 Congress notice English
【1907 ISR 2021 Congress notice English】
How lucky to have the Rorschach test worldwide!
Centenary of the Creation of the Rorschach Test
We want to take time to look back on the history of the past 100 years and see how the use of the Rorschach Test has developed. But we also want to take this opportunity to think about what will happen to the Rorschach in the next 100 years from now.
Hermann Rorschach published “Psychodiagnostics” and the 10 cards in 1921, and it is really extraordinary to still be using an assessment tool that has been unchanged for 100 years. We are still using it because it works! It is still valid and useful. But the pressing issue is “Where will the Rorschach be in another 100 years from now?” We need to decide how to develop the Rorschach for the next generation, how we can enable it to survive another century, otherwise it will simply be assigned to the history books as a lost technique.
At this congress, I want participants to be stimulated by all of the input available—exhibitions, displays, and presentations—but also be stimulated to produce an output of creative ideas on how we can make the Rorschach thrive and survive for the coming generations.
The 23rd ISR Congress 2021: "Rorschach Centenary Congress"
In preparation for this event, the Organizing Committee is planning a rich variety of projects. Here are some of them:
- A map project that traces the history of how Hermann Rorschach’s “Psychodiagnostics” and the 10 cards published in Switzerland in 1921 spread, took root and developed worldwide.
- A video project composed of 10-20 very short videos from Rorschachers around the world speaking about instances where using the Rorschach had a major impact on a patient/client, to document how Rorschach assessment can affect real people’s lives.
- A translation of Rorschach's doctoral dissertation into four languages
- An exhibition from the Herman Rorschach Archives & Museum
- Publication projects in Rorschachiana et al
The leading role in this commemorative event is you, the society presidents, and the participants. Please start planning your participation now, including symposia, oral presentations, poster presentations and spreading the word to colleagues in related fields, as well as those interested in medicine, education, art and history!
Please regularly check the International Rorschach Society website below for important updates.
Noriko Nakamura, Ph. D.
President of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods (ISR)
ISRサマーセミナー2019のお知らせ (2019.3.5)
開催時期:2021年7月12日(月)-16日(金) *初日にワークショップを開催
開 催 地:ジュネーブ大学(Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, in Geneva)
2021年はヘルマン・ロールシャッハが『精神診断学』を世に出してから100年目に当たる年,つまりロールシャッハ・テストの図版誕生100周年になる年です。そこで,大会テーマは「ロールシャッハと投映法:人間理解の100年の深まり(Rorschach and Projective Psychology: 100 years of fostering human understanding)」。100年記念大会ならではの催しも企画中です。JRSCもその企画の一端を担い,大いに大会を盛り上げます。そしてもちろん,研究発表も!会員の皆さん,今から準備して,ISR次回大会に備えましょう。
JRSC会長 野田昌道
次回の国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会(ISR)の大会は,2021年にISR理事会主催で開催されることが決まりました。通例のサイクルであれば今年のパリ大会から3年後の2020年開催となるところですが,1年ずらしたのはなぜでしょう? そう,2021年は『精神診断学』(そして図版も!)の刊行100周年です! 本学会もこの記念大会が実りあるものになるよう,ISR理事会に協力していきます。新しい情報については,ホームページなどで会員の皆様に随時お知らせいたします。
最新の情報のひとつは,会員名簿の作成です。これまでは国際大会で自分の関心のある発表を聞いたり,抄録集で見つけたりしても,その発表者にどう連絡していいのか戸惑うことが多かったのではないでしょうか。けれども,名簿があれば,コンタクトがはるかに容易になります。つまり,国際的な研究者,実務家のコミュニケーションの活性化! これがISR,そしてJRSCの目指すところです。
ISR letter 15th December 2015
Office of the President
4-12-16-617 Bunkyo-ku Hongo
Tokyo, 1130033, Japan
15th December 2015
Dear Presidents,
I hope each one of you is well and your society is doing fine.
First of all, I am delighted to tell you that thanks to you and your society members the ISR is now in the healthiest position financially that it has been since its inception. Moreover, we are beginning to be more active and I am excited about what the year 2016 will bring.
Let me share with you the latest figures for the year ending 2014:
Profits: CHF 35’511.29
Capital Value: CHF 370’531.77
Capital Value of the Museum Fund: CHF 102’836.16
We have been able to reach this solid position by dealing with delinquent societies and changing the fee schedule. Now, let’s work together to make the best use of these finances: to support a variety of grants to the members, print directories every three years, fund research projects, rebuild the Hermann Rorschach Archives, and fund the 100th anniversary of Hermann Rorschach in 2021. The ISR Board and I are open to any other suggestions you may have, so please feel free to contact me.
Membership & New Societies
I have given you the good news about the current financial status, but that does not mean that we can sit back and relax, because in fact our membership numbers are declining, and so I want to encourage you all to ‘grow’ your societies. Additionally, if you have any contact from other countries or groups, please encourage them to form new societies and application form is available from our website (
I have several other issues I would like to bring to your attention and although this will make a rather long letter, I would appreciate your reading to the end.
Members’ Name List
Last year I asked you to supply me with a list of the members of your society and their functioning email addresses because we would like to get rid of the “token” system in which we annually send societies numbers to be distributed to members to allow them to access the online Rschachiana. Eliminating this token system will speed up our efficiency and also save us a great deal in costs.
However, so far only 10 out of the 24 societies have supplied name lists: Argentina (ADEIP), Austria, Czech Republic, France, Italy (Association Italiana), Japan (2 societies), Spain, Turkey and the UK.
I realize this is a troublesome task, but it is very important. We are moving from a society-based to a member-based ISR, and so the e-mail information is vital. We want to create better services for and direct communication between the members and the ISR. This ISR members’ name list will enable us to:
• Discriminate member from non-member. At present, even if we create different fee schedules for members and non-members at the ISR Congresses and Summer Seminars etc. it is hard to confirm the person’s actual membership status.
• Make a “member list directory” every 3 years at the time of the International Congress to facilitate members’ communication with each other.
• Distribute the Bulletin and other regular materials to members so that the communication between members and the Board will be closer, easier and speedier.
• Activate “Members only” area on the webpage and provide variety of services such as name list, current important report and information and updated information from our Archives, etc.
I would appreciate your attending to this right away. Please send the information to our Secretary, Pascal Roman <> and to me <> by February 29, 2016. If your society has any specific difficulty concerning this name list, please let me know.
New Office Manager
I have to apologize for any inconvenience you and your society may have experienced due to various communication difficulties we had between our society and Hogrefe over the last year. As it was the first year of my presidency it took time to understand what was happening and what was wrong.
Fortunately, we are implementing some new procedures and I am happy to report that we now have an office manager within Hogrefe assigned specifically to deal with all ISR business. Her name is Mrs. Sushila Dixit and she can be contacted at
Summer Seminars & Next Board Meeting
The Summer Seminars in Montreux were successfully concluded in 2015 and were attended by 30 participants from 11 countries. Detailed information will be included in the next Bulletin, so please take a look.
The next Summer Seminars will be held July 23-25, 2016 in Italy. We can both learn and relax staying in the wonderful location of Genova. The theme will be “Neuro-psychology and the Rorschach & Projective Tests.” Please look for the possibility of your participation, as well as that of the members of your society.
Prior to those seminars, on July 21-22, 2016, we will hold our next Board Meeting. Please let me know with details of any issues that you would like raised. I will be glad to reflect your opinions, ideas and requests at the Board Meeting.
Next Congresses 2017 & 2020
Please plan to participate July 16 to 21, 2017 in the XXII ISR Congress to be held in the heart of central Paris (in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral). and also invite your members to come. Nothing is more exciting than seeing, listening to and learning from each other face to face! For further information, please visit our web site <>
We are also looking ahead to the following congress. Fortunately, one active society has already shown an interest in hosting the 2020 ISR Congress. However, the Board would like to hear from other interested societies, so, we will wait until May 2016 to allow you an opportunity to compete. Please contact me if your society might want to host this triennial academic international event.
Hermann Rorschach’s Trial Blots on the Webpage to be Used for Free
A few months ago I found 17 YouTube sites that showed and explained all 10 Rorschach test cards in an unprofessional way. To counter this kind of activity, the Board has decided to put up on the ISR website three different Hermann Rorschach’s trial blots for free to use as a sample of the Rorschach cards.
From an ethical point of view, we really do not want any professional psychologist to show or explain the 10 cards as test material on a website. Professional psychologists should know how unprofessional it is and that it is a misuse of the nature of the test.
I would like to ask you as a the president of one of the ISR societies to join us in ‘guarding’ the Rorschach test, and rather than ignoring their breach of ethics, actively encourage such people to stop. I hope each Rorschach society will stand firm and take steps if an offender is one of your members. Whenever you come across an unethical site on the Internet please let me know and I will send a letter from the ISR to try to stop that activity.
Individual Members
Finally, I would like to extend my personal welcome to the 6 new Individual Members who were approved for membership at the July Board Meeting. They are as follows:
1) Mr. Javier Rodriguez Escobar from Spain
2) Mr. Juan Alejandro Uribe Guajardo from Chile
3) Ms. Spada Gabriella from Argentina
4) Ms. Anastasia Kolenova from Russia
5) Dr. Gordon Presley from USA
6) Mr. Philip Dahl Kjaer from Denmark
Please be sure to read the Bulletin for other information which will come soon.
Thank you for taking time to read this. I will wait to hear from you!
Sincerely yours,
Noriko Nakamura
ISR President
ISR letter 19th June 2015

Office of the President
4-12-16-617 Bunkyo-ku Hongo
Tokyo, 1130033, Japan
19th June 2015
Dear Presidents,
Time has passed quickly and we will have a board meeting next month, July 28-29. I would like to communicate with you and hope to hear back from you; I will be glad to reflect your opinions, ideas and requests at the Board Meeting.
There are 7 topics I want to bring to your attention today:
1) Membership lists – names and e-mail addresses
First of all, were you able to gather the functioning e-mail addresses of all the members of your society? I know it is hard work. However, we are moving from a society-based to a member-based ISR, and so the e-mail information is vital. The purpose of this change is to create better services for and direct communication between the members and the ISR. Please send your membership list at the latest by July 19 to our Secretary, Pascal Roman <> and me <>.
2) 2020 ISR Congress Hosting Society
Before the deadline of May 31, 2015, we received just one application. However, we would now like to give you a further opportunity to consider hosting the ISR Congress in 2020. We are open and waiting for your active involvement in the ISR. The ISR will help and support you based on the knowledge we have gained in the past. Hosting a Congress is hard work but an experience well worth having. Please get in touch with me if you need more information. Please send your application by July 19 to our Secretary, Pascal Roman <> and me <>
3) Interdisciplinary Cooperation
As I shared with you last year in my first letter in last year August, I would like to shift our focus on international psychological assessment to a new era of stimulating inter-disciplinary cooperation. The 2017 ISR XXII Paris Congress will be a very good chance to involve and share psychological research and practice with other professionals. Please take time to think about what you can do and with whom you can connect. Please send me your ideas of any symposium, round table and presentation you can think of.
4) XXII ISR Congress in Paris
July 17 to 21, 2017 is the date and the venue will be in the heart of Paris near the Notre Dame cathedral. Please plan to participate and also invite your members to come. Nothing is more exciting than seeing and listening to each other face to face. For further information, please visit our web site <>
5) Summer Seminars in Montreux (Switzerland)
With nearly 30 participants from about 12 different countries, we will study about “Defense Mechanisms” with three outstanding lecturers, Phebe Cramer, Howard Lerner and Filippo Aschieri. Places are still available. It will be after the Board Meeting, July 30-31 and August 1. Please see the website <> for more information, or contact me <>.
6) Website
There is an “Upcoming Events” section on the top page. This is for you! I would like to encourage you to give us information about your society’s annual meetings or events. This information will be uploaded on the ISR web page, so that even if we cannot participate, we will still know what is going on and what is happening all over the world. Please actively use this opportunity. Contact our web master Tevfika Ikiz <> or me <>.
7) Future Project
I would like to organize a “2021 Hermann Rorschach 100 Project”. This will be to celebrate the centenary of Hermann Rorschach’s publication of "Psychodiagnostics" and the 10 plates. This will be one of the items for discussion at the board meeting. It is my hope that we take an interdisciplinary approach which will involve and attract a wide range of interested persons.
Have you received Rorschachiana and the Bulletin for 2014? And were you able to distribute them to your members? In case you have not received them, please let me know. Any comments, worries and problems--please do not hesitate to let me hear them.
Thank you for taking time to read this. I will wait to hear from you!
Sincerely yours,
Noriko Nakamura
ISR President
ISR letter 12th August 2014
270708message to the presidents of the isr2014.docx
Office of the President
4-12-16-617 Bunkyo-ku Hongo
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
12th August 2014
Dear Presidents,
This is my first formal letter to you as the new president of the ISR. First, please allow me to thank you for the warm congratulations that I received from so many of you. I know this will not be an easy job, but at the same time I am very happy to have the support of several people whose experience I can refer to when things get tough. I’m also not a native speaker of English and I am the first President from outside of Europe or the US, but I hope that I can bring a new perspective to the position.
Allow me to introduce the new Board members who will be working with me.
Past-president: Bruce Smith (USA)
1st Vice-president: Odile Husain (Canada)
2nd Vice-president: Tevfika Ikiz (Turkey),
Secretary: Pascal Roman (France)
Members-at-Large: Claude de Tychey (France)
Sadegh Nashat (UK)
Maria Fiorella Gazale (Italy)
Barton Evans (USA)
Ex-officio: Anne Andronikof (France)
Curator of the Hermann Rorschach Archives and Museum
Julia Hogrefe (Switzerland), Treasurer
I also want to express my thanks to Fernando Silberstein and Justin McCarthy Woods, who are leaving the Board after years of service, for volunteering their time and efforts for our benefit in this way. It was my great pleasure to be able to work with them and they will be sorely missed. Also my deep gratitude goes to Trudi Finger for more than 30 years of tireless service as the Treasurer and I wish her many years of happy retirement.
Now, I want to raise some important issues for us to deal with together.
1. Feedback.
I feel particularly strongly that the President and Board members of the ISR exist to serve the members of the society, and I look forward to energizing the organization through new blood from the membership. In order to accomplish this goal, I would like to ask you to send me your ideas and/or hopes for the ISR—the Board and I need to hear your voices!
I would like you to send any thoughts or advice directly to my e-mail I will be glad if you would always begin by putting [ISR] first in the email subject line so that I do not miss your message and to prevent it from mistakenly going into the SPAM box.
2. Clear Communication
a. Correct email addresses
In order to communicate effectively, it is essential that we have the correct, current contact information for each member of the ISR. Please send it to the Secretary, Roman Pascal by 15th of November 2014:
b. Updating
Please inform the ISR Secretary of updated information whenever there is a change in any of the above details.
3. Website
It is essential that all information posted on our website ( is correct and updated. Please send by return mail to both the Secretary and the webmaster
- Current information about the Board of your society (President, Secretary etc.) + a contact e-mail
- The URL of the website of your society (if any) so that we can put a link to your Society
When visiting our newly restructured website ( you will notice that we have created a “Members Only” section.
This section is strictly for members, only open to the individual members of your Society who will be able to directly access Rorschachiana online, the Bulletin and many other interesting items, as well as an international membership directory.
So as to ensure that all registered persons are recognized current members of your Society, we will need to receive from you yearly an updated membership list.
We believe that the “Members only” section of the ISR website will serve as a strong incentive for the members of your societies to renew their membership, and attract potential new members to join your Society.
We therefore ask you to send to the Secretary your current membership list (only names and e-mails). We guarantee full confidentiality, i.e. the list will not be communicated to anybody, will not be put as such on any website and will only serve to check the true membership of individual members.
4. Interdisciplinary Cooperation
I would like to shift our focus on international psychological assessment to a new era of stimulating inter-disciplinary cooperation. We are an international society made up of 2,500 highly trained specialists with one hundred years of collective experience in the Rorschach, but we mostly keep our knowledge to ourselves! I believe it is vital that we share our expertise and that we communicate with other professionals, such as educators, doctors, psychiatrists, career counsellors, and fostering agencies, forensic experts to make it known how important Rorschach assessment is and what valuable and unique skills we have to offer. In other words, we should shift from in-fighting and instead concentrate on developing the means to explain and show the value of our work to others. If we do not, we will become increasingly viewed as irrelevant and will die out.
Please send me your ideas about joint researches or workshops that we could hold to spread the word about the value of Rorschach and psychological assessment or any other ideas you have to achieve the goal I have outlined here.
5. Applications for the 2020 ISR Congress
Now is the time for all member societies to think about hosting the 23rd ISR Congress in 2020. Those who wish to apply to host it should inform both the Secretary and myself by 31st May 2015. Once all applications have been received, the Secretary will then circulate them to the other Board members so that we can have time to look at them before discussing them at the annual Board Meeting in July 2015.
6. New Members
a. I am pleased to inform you that two new societies have joined
the ISR this year. They are:
Sociedad Mexicana de Rorschach y Metodos Psicodiagnosticos A.C. (41 members)
IRPSI Istituto Italiano Rorschach e Psicodiagnostica Integrata (40 members)
One society has left the ISR, the SIRCS Societa Italiana per il Rorschach Comprehensive System.
b. We are also glad to welcome 11 new individual members, ten from Russia and one from Denmark.
7. XXII ISR Congress in Paris
Lastly. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the next ISR Congress in Paris! Meeting once in every three years is important. Nothing can be more exciting than meeting old friends and new professionals in face to face. Please plan your presentation and let me hear your voices.
Date: July 17th to 21st 2017
President: Benoit Verdon
Venue: Congress Center “Les Cordeliers”, in the heart of the ‘Quartier Latin’ (near the Notre Dame cathedral).
Theme: “Developments in projective research and Practice emerging issues and discoveries”
Thank you for taking the time to read through this long message. I am excited about working closely with you over the next three years of my presidency and I look forward to receiving your input.
Important dates:
November 15, 2014—Deadline for providing the names and email addresses of Board members. Send to the ISR President, Secretary and webmaster.
November 30, 2014 _Deadline for sending membership lists. Send to the Secretary.
May 31, 2015—Deadline for applications for hosting the 2020 ISR Congress. Send to the ISR President and the Secretary.
Contact Information
ISR President, Noriko Nakamura:
ISR Secretary, Pascal Roman:
ISR webmaster, Tevfika Ikiz:
Yours sincerely,
Noriko Nakamura
ISR President