
ロールシャッキアナ編集長Sadegh Nashat氏より連絡がきました。2014年のロールシ


Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods


Special Issue: The T.A.T. and Other Storytelling Projective Methods

Vol. 35, Issue 2 (2014)

Thematic apperceptive techniques, in which people tell stories about pictures, are used clinically far more
widely than they have been studied with systematic research. Although numerous empirically supported
scoring systems that address important clinical questions exist, clinicians more often rely on theory-based
idiographic interpretation of stories as representations of clients’ internal relational schemata that can be
used to illustrate assessment findings in discussions with a client or to evoke insightful reflections on the
client’s situation.

For this special issue of Rorschachiana, we hope to receive empirical papers that give evidence
for the usefulness of scoring systems. These should include information on the process of scorer training
and the availability of the manual used to obtain interscorer reliability. Methodological papers that
elucidate the nature and output of the storytelling task or address questions bearing on the validity, utility,
and application of these systems are also welcomed. Case studies may be of interest to the extent that they
demonstrate the value of a systematic approach to story material. However, they have to follow specific
guidelines and only a limited number will be considered for publication (the instructions to authors can be
downloaded from the journal’s website at http://www.hogrefe.com/periodicals/rorschachiana/advice-forauthors/).
A range of theoretical perspectives is welcome.

Because Rorschachiana is an international journal, each empirical paper should comment on the
international implications of the findings and discuss its cross-cultural use. Such comments may include,
for example, its linguistic specificity, its robustness in translation, and the cross-cultural generalizability
of the constructs and behaviors of the measure and its usual correlates. Cross-cultural generalizability is
not, however, a requirement.


Proposals including a title, name of the author(s), contact details and an abstract (300 words) should be
submitted via email to jenkinss@unt.edu before the 16th of December 2013. Please include in the subject
header “TAT issue” followed by the name of the first author (e.g. TAT - DOE, John). Selected authors
will be informed at the end of January 2014 and will have to send in their manuscript before the 31st of
March 2014. All proposals and manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.

Guest Editor: Editor-in-Chief:
Sharon Rae Jenkins, PhD Sadegh Nashat
Professor, Clinical Psychology Editor-in-Chief
University of North Texas Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Psychology Department Tavistock Clinic, London, UK
1155 Union Circle #311280
Denton, TX 76203-5017
E-Mail: jenkinss@unt.edu


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包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会シンポジウム画像.JPG 本学会は、1993年にアジアでははじめて 国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会に団体登録された、日本で最初のロールシャッハ学会として設立されました。設立当時は30人に満たない組織でしたが、学会員数は600名を超える学会に成長しました。

 当学会は,包括システムによるロールシャッハ法を学び,その発展・普及および研修者間の連携・協力をはかっています。例年5月に大会を開催する他,機関誌,ニュースレターを発行し,各地で研修会を実施しています。また,国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会(The International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods (ISR) )に団体会員として登録し,その活動に参加しています。
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