WorkshopC 中止になりました。

Discovering the Rorschach Comprehensive System

- introduction to the system for non-Japanese speakers

This workshop will be held in English. Two lecturers with different backgrounds (mental health, juvenile delinquency and family problems) will illustrate how the Rorschach Comprehensive System is useful in various fields of personality assessment and by sharing the results with the clients, how it helps the case to move forward. We will show some demo-data for better understanding.

The goal of the workshop is to share the interest in the Rorschach as a tool for recognizing many sides of human personality. We believe understanding one another is a challenging and worthwhile quest. This workshop will be conducted so that non-specialists could acquire an image of the Rorschach.

The two lecturers will work together.
Lecturer Jim McRae is a doctoral level Clinical Psychologist with 30 years clinical experience in Tokyo; his Ph.D. dissertation was based in large part on the Rorschach.
Co-lecturer Emi Ohno is a family court officer who works in the field of juvenile delinquency and family problems in Japan.
We are looking forward to seeing you.

5月16日ワークショップC のご案内をいたします。


“Discovering the Rorschach Comprehensive System -Introduction to the system for non-Japanese speakers” We would like to recommend this workshop which will be held in English. Two lecturers will share interesting findings on adaptation through psychologi cal testing. Lecturer Dr. Jim McRae is a doctoral level Clinical Psychologist with 30 years clinical experience in Tokyo; his Ph.D. dissertation was based in large part on the Rorschach. In this workshop, he will talk about his research on culture -shock. His findings were very much based on interview and Rorschach testing o n many foreign teachers who were living in Japan. It is interesting that the t eachers who were the most adaptable were not the bright and sociable American teachers! Now why was that and how do we understand adaptability to different cultures? (Listen in the workshop.) Co-lecturer Emi Ohno is a family court officer who works in the field of juv enile delinquency and family problems in Japan. She will take about adaptabili ty within the Japanese culture.This is not a how-to-test program. If you are interested in understanding cult ure and adaptability, please sign in. Time is running out! We are looking forward to seeing you.

包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会編『ロールシャッハとエクスナー』ロールシャッハ・テストの起源と発展 金剛出版 ISBN4-7724-0868-1 C3011 \2800E


TOP Topic


包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会シンポジウム画像.JPG 本学会は、1993年にアジアでははじめて 国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会に団体登録された、日本で最初のロールシャッハ学会として設立されました。設立当時は30人に満たない組織でしたが、学会員数は600名を超える学会に成長しました。

 当学会は,包括システムによるロールシャッハ法を学び,その発展・普及および研修者間の連携・協力をはかっています。例年5月に大会を開催する他,機関誌,ニュースレターを発行し,各地で研修会を実施しています。また,国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会(The International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods (ISR) )に団体会員として登録し,その活動に参加しています。
English Pages Here! President's message