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2006.3.1 |
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包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会の名誉顧問John E. Exner博士が、2006年2月20日白血病で亡くなられました。
1994年以降は、足腰の痛みをだましながらの生活のようでした。1996年のボストン大会前には気管支に通したチューブが肺に刺さり、生死の境を迷う大事だったと聞きました。体重も落ち、大会も早めに切り上げてお帰りになられました。この頃は、日本の学会のことは「自分で考えるように"think of your own"」といわれ、突き放されたような気がしましたが、そのおかげでJRSCは日本の中で成長したように思います。この間にエクスナー博士はPrimer(邦訳:ロールシャッハの解釈)の構想を暖められ、時間をかけて完成されました。
「もう一度日本に来るよ"I will come back once more again"」と1999年にはご自分から来日を計画されました。では「3年後の2002年に」ということになりましたが、それが最後の来日になることはお互いに十分わかっていました。2002年の大会プログラムは完璧でした。ヘルマン・ロールシャッハが、自分で自分の患者さんに施行した1921年のロールシャッハ・テスト・データをエクスナー博士が発掘された事を私は知り、日本のロールシャッカーにも紹介していただくようお願いしました。また、ヘルマン・ロールシャッハの歴史を語る古くて新しい講演内容には、2000年にスイスに開設したロールシャッハ・アーカイブス博物館のためにエクスナー博士がロールシャッハのお嬢様やご子息から入手した新しい情報が満載でした。(詳細は「ロールシャッハとエクスナー」金剛出版参照)しかし、このために来日したその日、すでに発熱しておられました。滞在5日間でホテルから外出したのは大会会場と空港だけでした。ワークショップ、大会講演時にはかろうじて熱が下がったものの、全く本調子ではなく、客死にならないように本国へお帰りいただくのに必死でした。帰国されたあとも体調はよくならず、2002年7月のIRSローマ大会は欠席されました。IRS大会をはずされたのはこのときが初めてと聞きました。
2006年2月20日(月)朝、(日本時間2月20日夜)エクスナー博士死去。2月15日の知らせを聞いて、苦しい1週間あまりを過ごした世界中の仲間の苦しみは悲しみに変わり、世界中に伝達されました。Good-by Dr. Exner、お疲れさまでした。そして本当に、心からどうもありがとうございました!
John Ernest Exner
John Ernest Exner, Jr.が2006年2月20日に、Ashevilleの自宅で亡くなった。
ニューヨーク州Syracuse生まれ。Ashevilleに在住20年。ロールシャッハ・ワークショップスのディレクターであり、Long Island 大学の名誉教授で1969年から1984年まで教鞭をとった。国際ロールシャハ学会会長を務め、スイスのベルンにあるロールシャッハ・アーカイブス博物館を設立し館長であった。献身的で愛情深い夫、父でもあり、55年連れ添ったDorisのほか4人の息子と一人娘とそれぞれの連れ合い、それに10人の孫がいる。
朝鮮戦争に従軍していたことがあり、機体整備と軍医助手として1946年から1956年まで空軍に所属した。テキサス州San AntonioにあるTrinity大学でB.S.とM.S.の学位をとりCornell大学で1959年臨床心理学のPh.D.を取得した。卒業後はDePauw 大学、Bowling Green (Ohio)州立大学で教鞭をとった。1968年から1年間、米国平和部隊のEast/Pacific and North Africa, Near East, South Asia Regionsへディレクターとして赴任した。その後、Long Island 大学で、1969年から1979年まで臨床トレーニングのディレクターの任に就き、1984年に名誉教授となった。臨床心理学の有資格者で、Society of Personality AssessmentからDistinguished Contributions Awardを受賞した。アメリカ心理学会とAmerica Psychological Societyのフェロー(特別会員)である。
1989年4月 American Psychologistより
1989年に American Psychological Association (アメリカ心理学会)からDistinguished Professional Contribution to Applied Researchを受賞した際の、表彰の引用を次に示します。参考にしてください。
John E. Exner, Jr.
"For extensive contributions to the knowledge of psychological assessment.In the 23 years since publication of The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, John E. Exner, Jr.'s name has become synonymous with this test. Through his ongoing research, publications, collaborative efforts, and rigorous training of psychologists, Exner has created a common methodology, language, and literature base to help ensure the usefulness of this instrument.Over the past 30 years, his research contributions and his willingness to share his knowledge with psychologists around the world have almost single-handedly given respectability to one of the most widely used assessment methods--the Rorschach. His insistence on a solid research base for interpretation of the structural aspects of the test exemplifies the best of the scientist-practitioner tradition."
John E. Exner, Jr.'s contributions to knowledge in the area of psychological assessment have been extensive. For almost 30 years, he has focused his professional life on the Rorschach, and his system for interpretation has become the standard. His research is ongoing and has involved collaborative efforts in countries around the world. He has published hundreds of articles, revised the volumes that began his efforts, and never ceased to continue to learn and share the information obtained through his research. Through his Rorschach Workshops, he has trained thousands of psychologists. Exner has created a network for teaching basic skills and enhancing the knowledge of experienced clinicians as new data emerge. The rigor that he demands of himself and others who use his system reflects psychology at its best.
The first volume of his series, The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, was published in 1974. In this book and those following in 1978 and 1982, he reported research that sought to consolidate the five Rorschach systems that had developed in America since the test's introduction in 1925 and laid the groundwork for a common methodology, language, and literature base. A primary contribution, now sometimes taken for granted, was Exner's insistence that sound psychometric methods be used as criteria for the interpretation of the structural aspects of the system. This integration of a rigorous research base with the projective aspects of the test helped to ensure its usefulness in assessment batteries to the present.
John E. Exner, Jr. was born in Syracuse, New York. He received his BS and MS in psychology from Trinity University and was awarded a PhD in clinical psychology from Cornell University in 1958. His early years were spent on faculties at DePauw University and Bowling Green State University. From 1968 to 1969, he took a leave of absence from Bowling Green State University to serve as director of the East Asia/Pacific and North Africa, Near East, South Asia Regions for the Office of Selection, Peace Corps of the United States.
During much of the period of Exner's work on the Rorschach, he was on the faculty at Long Island University. He served as director of clinical training from 1969 to 1979 and became professor emeritus in 1984. At that point, Exner moved Rorschach Workshops to Asheville, North Carolina, where it remains, and he continues to serve as executive director.
Exner is a diplomate in clinical psychology and the recipient of the Distinguished Contributions Award from the Society of Personality Assessment. He is the author of 14 books and more than 60 articles that focus on the Rorschach and personality assessment.
Exner notes that one of the origins for the idea of a single system for the Rorschach came when David Rapaport, one of the five original systematizers, cautioned him to "know all of the Rorschach" (Exner, 1974, p. ix). Exner was also encouraged by Bruno Klopfer, who after reading Exner's comprehensive analysis of the five basic Rorschach systems, suggested the possibility of a well-coordinated and extensive project to research each of the approaches to the test. These original systematizers provided Exner with suggestions, criticism, and support, all of which were powerful motivators to persist at the task. He credits these systematizers with being major influences in his decision to seek out a new system for the Rorschach. A second major source of encouragement for Exner was provided by his students. He described being "impressed with the eagerness with which students approach the subject matter and the persistent questions that arise concerning differences in approach or interpretive postulates" (Exner, 1974, p. x).
From 1962 to 1968, while compiling data for The Rorschach Systems (Exner, 1969), Exner reported that he was privileged to have many close contacts with most of the systematizers and came to regard them with great affection. Although David Rapaport had died by that time, Exner was able to interview Beck, Klopfer, Hertz, and Piotrowski. He noted that at times he felt the project could not be completed because of their substantial differences, yet each encouraged him to continue his work, and all encouraged objectivity as the project moved forward. Both Klopfer and Beck endorsed a project to research the empirical sturdiness of their respective approaches to the test, and the first of a series of investigations began in 1968.
Exner's early work showed that each system had considerable merit but that all were also seriously flawed. The comprehensive system is the result of addressing these concerns. Exner has almost single-handedly rescued the Rorschach and brought it back to life. The result is the resurrection of perhaps the single most powerful psychometric instrument ever envisioned.
In the preface to his 1974 publication, The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, Exner noted that "the goal of his work is to present, in a single format, the Best of the Rorschach" (p. x). This system draws from each of the original five systems, incorporating those features that, under careful scrutiny, offer the greatest yield, and adds to them other components based on more recent work with the test.
Rorschach Workshops was originally established to test the merits of the several Rorschach systems that were developed between 1935 and 1957. Once the system was developed, a clear objective was the expansion of knowledge concerning its applicability. Rorschach Workshops added a continuing education component as a means to present the system as widely as possible, and it also provided important feedback from those putting the system to use. This component has trained thousands of clinicians around the globe.
In 1986, Exner noted in the preface to The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System: Volume 1. Basic Foundation (2nd ed.):
If anyone present in 1970, during the assemblage of the first pieces of the Comprehensive System, which involved decisions concerning seating and instructions, had predicted that the project would still be ongoing more than 15 years later, they would not have been taken seriously. The task seemed straightforward, namely to merge the empirically defensible features of other approaches into a standard format. But, as it turns out, much of the "best" was yet to come. (p. ix)
Exner noted in 1993 that there is "no apparent end in sight to the continuing research questions posed by this awesome test" (p. x). Thus, his work continues.
Selected Bibliography
Exner, J. E. (1959): The influence of chromatic and achromatic color in the Rorschach. Journal of Projective Techniques, 23, 418-425.
Exner, J.E. (1969). The Rorschach systems. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Exner, J.E. (1973). The self focus sentence completion: A study of egocentricity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 37, 437-455.
Exner, J. E. (1974). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 1. New York: Wiley.
Exner, J.E. (1975). Early prediction of post-hospitalization relapse. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12, 231-237.
Exner, J. E. (1978). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 2. Current research and advanced interpretation. New York: Wiley.
Exner, J.E. (1980). But it's only an inkblot. Journal of Personality Assessment, 44, 562-577.
Exner, J. E. (1986). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 1. Basic foundations (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Exner, J. E. (1989). Searching for projection in the Rorschach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 520-536.
Exner, J. E. (1991). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 2. Interpretation (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Exner, J. E. (1993). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 1. Basic foundations (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Exner, J. E. (Ed.). (1995a). Issues and methods in Rorschach research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Exner, J.E. (1995b). A Rorschach workbook .for the comprehensive system (4th ed.). Asheville, NC: Rorschach Workshops.
Exner, J. E. (1996). Critical bits and the Rorschach response process. Journal of Personality Assessment, 67, 464-477.
Exner, J.E., & Andronikof-Sanglade, A. (1992). Rorschach changes following brief and short-term psychotherapy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 59, 59-71.
Exner, J.E., Thomas, E.A., & Mason, B. (1985). Children's Rorschachs: Description and prediction. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 13-20.
Exner, J. E., & Weiner, I. B. (1982). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 3. Assessment of children and adolescents. New York: Wiley.
Exner, J. E., & Weiner, I. B. (1994). The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 3. Assessment of children and adolescents (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Exner, J. E., & Wylie, J. (1977). Some Rorschach data concerning suicide. Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 339 -348.
Exner, J. E., Wylie, J., Leura, A., & Parrill, T. (1977). Some psychological characteristics of prostitutes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 474-485.
包括システムによる日本ロールシャッハ学会編『ロールシャッハとエクスナー』ロールシャッハ・テストの起源と発展 金剛出版 ISBN4-7724-0868-1 C3011 \2800E
- ISR2011国際ロールシャッハ及び投映法学会第20回日本大会国際大会公式HPはこちら
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